Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Technology Integration Plan

Click here to access my Technology Integration Plan for a unit on Newton’s Laws of Motion.

The Access portion of the Integration Plan primarily focuses on how new topics will be delivered by lecture. The first strategy, direct teaching, can be supplemented with a PowerPoint presentation to present bullet points, highlight key terms, and provide visual aids for certain concepts, both in diagrams and videos. Internet access will most likely be necessary to utilize video resources. The classroom discussion and problem solving time can take advantage of a Smart Board coupled with online demos and virtual labs. This can allow volunteer students to manipulate simulations in front of their classmates to help me illustrate concepts and demonstrate certain phenomena and relationships. Students will also be shown how to access other online simulations and will be given worksheets to help them explore several of them on their own.
All of these strategies and tools for the Access portion are to support NJCCCS science standards for refining concept knowledge with new evidence(5.1.12.C.1), and to begin to introduce the concepts behind Newton’s second law, F = m A (5.2.12.E.4). The addition of the technological components supports NETS-S standards 1.C, using models and systems, and 6.B, finding and using applications in an effective and productive manner.

The Analyze segment delves more deeply into how I will have my students take the information from lecture and begin to deepen their understanding of the concepts through problem-solving. Like the lecture, much of the in-class problem-solving time will be guided by me with questions and diagrams displayed on the SmartBoard. Students will need their calculators to help them quickly convert mass into weight and find cosine and sine values of the components of angled force vectors. For homework, the students will still have their calculators, but can also clarify instructions or receive the actual assignments and clarifications through an online student portal. Finally, within the context of a laboratory scenario, students can make use of available probe sensor devices to get more accurate and straightforward measurements in motion and freefall labs.

The strategies are to support the science standards 5.1.12.B.2 and 5.2.12.E.3 - the scientific practice of using mathematical tools and technology and new uses and interpretations of Newton’s first law, motion only changes with the presence of a force. The technology integration allows fulfillment of NETS-S 1.A and 3.D, where students apply existing knowledge to generate new work or techniques, and process data and report results.

I will have several methods for assessment. For these lessons, I will be grading homework and keeping track of results with simple in-class formative assessments. I can utilize Microsoft Excel to keep track of the results of the simpler assessments, which can quickly aid me in identifying gaps in knowledge. This can apply to certain groups or perhaps represent a larger misconception by the majority of the class. Students can also assess their own work and in certain cases apply for a chance to revise their work, identifying what the misconception was that led them to incorrect answers or explanations. The online student portal will allow them to keep track of the grades their work is earning them and help motivate them to buy in to their own success. This reinforces both the science standard 5.1.12.C.2 and NETS-S 4.D standard which encourage the revision of work and prior thought patterns, and the pursuit of alternate solutions. Science standard 5.1.12.D.2, which calls for excellence in reading and writing to express the student’s scientific thinking patterns, is satisfied through this process as well. More examples of assessment will be discussed in the Production portion at the end.

Like many science classes, the physics classroom is a great opportunity to encourage collaboration and communication. Labs in particular are a great way to develop the skills for teamwork, as they will always be a group endeavor. Beyond using tools like Microsoft Word and Excel to neatly write up results, answer questions and organize data, students can use modern online tools to efficiently manage the project. Google docs in particular makes it incredibly simple for all students to instantly access all the resources and collaborate in its assembly. Social media and other means of electronic communication, like text messaging or chat, can also assist the students in communicating about their objectives and allow for opportunities for everyone to participate from the comfort of their own homes. The collaborative skills that are developed through this align with Science Standard 5.1.12.D.1 and NETS-S 5.B.

Finally, the lessons will also incorporate opportunities for students to produce work to express the depth of their understanding of the relationships we’ve learned about. This can be demonstrated via written work in answering open ended and free-response items, verbal responses to questions and also through the solving of some of the higher-order problems. Opportunities like this will be given through informal discussion during class time, through homework questions, and, of course, quizzes and exams. Small projects and presentations can also be used to demonstrate a concept, such as a student or group of students doing a demo. With all of these, Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel and PowerPoint can  be used as a medium to organize, support and/or deliver proper demonstration of the student’s thought processes. A variety of internet resources can also be used by the student to clarify his or her understanding of the subject or to research when gaps in knowledge need to be filled. Proper and mature usage of these resources fulfills NETS-S standard 3.B, which says that students are expected to be able to locate, organize, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Science standard 5.1.12.A.2 also sets the expectation that students should be able to interpret and manipulate evidence-based models to build and critique their arguments and explanations. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery that all started with...

Whenever I tell people that I study physics, the Big Bang Theory almost always comes up at some point. Three of the main characters are physicists and fill every possible geek/nerd stereotype one could imagine – they embed science analogies in their conversations, have regular trips to the comic book store and attend comic-con, and are among the most socially oblivious creatures that roam the world.

I wonder how familiar my students might be with the show – obviously some of the content is more mature, but nothing the average high schooler wouldn’t be watching. If I deemed it appropriate for the class, perhaps using occasional clips before leading into certain lessons would be really effective! Even at the beginning of the year, I could use this clip from season 3 to transition into my personal introduction to the course, reassuring that I won’t be teaching them anything like Sheldon would:

          Sheldon teaching physics

Although a great deal of their discussions revolve around highly advanced topics in quantum physics, a lot of the references they make as asides can be understood by someone who’s taken a high school-level physics course. For my students, this may make them feel as if they’re in on an inside joke. I might even want to assign extra credit projects where they pick references from the Big Bang Theory or other shows and make a presentation to their classmates, pretending that they were explaining the joke to a bunch of friends who didn’t get it.